Mineral Rich for Hair Growth!

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A few ago I viewed a video on YouTube by an African American lady. She revealed the truth about African American Hair growth and presented a product that aided in increased growth for her hair. Watch the video below!

The Product is Mineral Rich by Maximum Living. Honesty love is such a kind hearted lady. Many people would have found out about this and kept it to themselves or sold it. But she didn't and God is blessing her for it. Honesty Love use the original Mineral Rich but said that she will try the Mineral Rich plus Aloe. I purchased a bottle or Mineral Rich plus Aloe from Swanson's herbs, and gave it a shot. The results were amazing!

Mineral RIch cited from: http://www.maximumliving.com/images/products/full/Mineral-Rich.jpg
I have been using Mineral Rich plus Aloe for about 3 weeks off and on, and have experienced about 1/2 to 3/4 inches of growth! I take 2 Tablespoons every morning before my breakfast, undiluted  A lot of reviewers on Amozon.com said that they were experiencing ongoing diarrhea, flatulence (gas), stomach problems, and hair loss(???) among other issues. For the first few days that I took Mineral Rich plus Aloe I did experience some mild diarrhea - nothing major. And I attributed this to the fact that there were probably some mineral imbalances and toxins in my body, which the Mineral Rich was dealing with. But then it went away, and now I feel great!  If you experience GI problems, maybe it's because your body is very toxic. It's not a bad thing. I have experienced positive changes with Mineral Rich including:

-Post Nasal Drip
-Migraine and Hormonal Headaches
-Energy levels
-Hormonal Cramps
-Hormonal Moods
-Fast, strong, healthy white  nails
-Bowel regularity

Needless to say, Mineral Rich is a wonderful product for the whole body and mind. Thank you Honesty Love for letting many viewers know about this wonderful product!

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional. Do not take any of the above and apply to yourself without first consulting your health care professional. This is not meant to treat, cure, diagnose  or prevent any disease, disorder, or any condition of the human body.

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